Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Welcome to Our Splendid Bedlam!

Here is our blog! I have thought and thought about doing one, more than anything to keep everyone from all of the vast paths we have so far walked up on what is happening in our present tumble of life. Hopefully, this will help me keep in touch more consistantly. I have obsessed entirely too much over what to name this blog, what it should look like and what the purpose of it is. So, what is here is the result, or rather I should say the beginning of a process that will be Splendid Bedlam. I settled on Splendid Bedlam as it pretty well sums up the constant state of events running through our house. And, I just liked the way it felt to say it. But also it recalls that we have been created for splendor although we frequently generate our own bedlam, and it is my desire to transparently share snippets our our life as we journey through the two. And so, it begins...


Dot45 said...

Love the title, really cute pics and looking forward to your further endeavors.

-Mimi & Christopher

Dot45 said...

So Glad to here from you, great way to keep in touch.


Brandon said...

And so it begins!? That was April. It's now October! I WANT MORE!